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• The disease has defined her life so much that without it, she seems lost. Sad reality of fighting a long battle


• She is thorough but it takes too long. I have short cuts but it doesn’t stick. Change is hard.


• We all hope for someone to be the Messiah. We forget we all can be the Messiah. Forgotten identities.


• The gift of time sometimes leads to gift of boredom. I still choose this.


• The sun hides again. We need rain but my heart craves for light. Dormant desires.



• She assumes the new thing will make her happier. I watch as she succumbs to agony of the lack mindset.  




The rose bush smiles at me

And graces me with its fragrance

The fun of giving without expectations


The newspapers

Keep collecting

Noticed absence


A jump

Back into activity



The sole bird flying

On this cold morning



I sit in silence

Contemplating the gift of today

A potato boils


Rules for these haikus

Are hard to follow regularly

The literary jail awaits


I miss him and coffee

Eyes smirk in this acknowledgment

Love’s hide and seek






He asked us to focus on “just being”. I have focused too much time on becoming- becoming a writer, becoming a vocalist, becoming the best parent. Now the challenge is to enjoy ‘just being’.


He asked me to write 101 goals for a lifetime including some big, hairy, audacious goals. As I write them I am surprised by the number and magnitude of latent desires.


Is it really a mutated virus? Is it bio warfare? Is it alien attack? A plethora of Conspiracy theories. Or is it a whack on the head to “live purposefully”?


He was surprised by the impact he had created by just being him.


He is stuck in a dark future. And she is living in the past. Where am I right now?


The air seems light, the water gets clearer and I can finally see the sky. The earth is healing.


He reminds us “let it be”. I now know I have no control in any case! Out of desperation or out of wisdom I will “let it be”.



I don’t have the Sunday blues and I am not saying TGIF. I am finally enjoying all days of the week!




He asked me to try something new. Something I have never done before. Something novel. As creativity rises so does my mood.




Children and Social distancing



She has no school, no friends and not even zoom video calls! I see her giggling. She teaches me how to “Live in the Moment”.


I want to teach her the world and she is content with just a bite. I now know “How my Guru Feels”.


She is learning to enjoy her own company and so am I.


The drawing didn’t meet her standards. It now sits in the trash. A sudden regret of a “Lost Masterpiece”.


She wants me to time her complete a page in Math. First try 1 min 20 sec. Second try 56 seconds. The competitive spirit awakens.






A beautiful clear night. The full moon brightening up this room. I think of You. And I am soaked in gratefulness.


We all got a much needed break that we didn’t even know we needed. We are well- rested and hopefully centered.


I miss my freedom but I like this captivity too. I am much closer to you and you to me. I finally feel the essence of family.


I tried a new recipe. It was decent. I think of how to make it better. And, creativity is born!


Unintentionally I made him mad. The words didn’t come out right first from me and then him. We both are sulking now. I own it up and apologize. I am humbled.


They both seem restless today. The energy spirals downwards. All we need is a nice walk in the sunshine or an alternate reality to ground it.


We stand helpless. A sudden realization of our power or lack there off. Thy Will Be Done. We surrender.


It was time to say goodbye. New beginnings await. I am excited and anxious, relieved and restless, grateful and sad. I will miss you.


The day is going slowly. But the years have flown by. I experience the “Mystery of Time”.




He retired at 70. Now he is bored. Is the opposite of happiness boredom? He has to find what to do with this “Gift of time”.




They watched him with questioning eyes ad he announced his departure. Doubts and fears on one end, relief and change on the other. The future is as uncertain as its always been. “The adventure continues”.




He was miserable at work. A touch of destiny and he got laid off. “End of Misery” yet the complaining continues!




I didn’t like the way he talked. It reminded me of me. A subtle realization.




Mary had lost her child – to technology, to friends and to her own silence. She didn’t even realize it till it was too late. The child, unknown and unaware didn’t feel any different. The child was not lost. Mary was! The lost child





She was deep in thought, reflecting, questioning her beliefs, contemplating today and a future, penning ideas and realizations. Ding – the phone beeped. All that lost. Distraction!





She watched him as he went about his day. He was in his zone. Suddenly their eyes met. An acknowledgment and a recognition of something pure. Namaste.





She looked up. The plane, high up in the sky. A sudden realization of his absence. I am alone but not lonely. It would be fun if he were here. We would have discussed a thought, challenged a belief, brainstormed an idea. I talk to him in my head. I don’t feel “the distance”.






Silence and stillness. Nature is quiet today and so are my neighbors. A gift to enjoy my own company. A random bee buzzing. The dog barking. A solo bird chirping. A gentle reminder to feed them seeds. Movement invades stillness.



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